CULTURE 2021.12.13
A Travelogue:
From the Cybernetic Odyssey
by Theophilos Constantinou
「The road will guide you(路上が導いてくれる)」。答えのない答えを求めるようにこれまで幾度となく旅に出てきた、出版レーベル 〈パラダイム・パブリッシング〉を主宰するセオフィロス・コンスタンティノウ。出版人、写真家・映像作家である以前に自分は旅人だと言う彼が、旅で出会った人や景色、出来事、感じたことを綴る回想録連載「A Travelogue: From the Cybernetic Odyssey」。 第3回は年内で NY を離れる本人が、コンクリートジャングルでの出会いとそこから生まれたストーリーについての追想を記す。
Photo / Text Theophilos Constantinou
Translation Shimpei Nakagawa
Edit Shuhei Kawada

Drafting words about my relationship to New York City is intense. So many eras, so many people, so many stories. Timing in life is everything. Not luck — time and place. As I prepare to leave the city that made me this reflection is made with tears of gratitude.
We first met in early 2012. I had been busing up and down I-95 from Philadelphia to visit my mentor Glenn O'Brien. We were both working class kids from Northeast Ohio. It was what bound us, besides books. Glenn believed in me and PARADIGM . He told me that independence and freedom were what was really cool in publishing. He was a true maverick. In 2017, when Glenn passed away I was deep in the Himalayas working on the film that would accompany, We Passengers. I am forever grateful to have called him my friend.
On 12 February 2014, Glenn invited me to attend a book signing at the Chelsea Hotel for his new work, Penance. I only knew a handful of people in those years and one of them was the legendary NYC graffiti writer, Lee Quinones. While we were talking, a mysterious man walked by with a beautiful woman in tow. Lee said you have to meet my friend Nemo. He introduced us, Nemo wrote his name and number down on a piece of paper. Let's just say the rest is history. A moment in time printed into our collective folklore.
On 16 June 2017, I was invited to Nana's for the first time. The legendary Bedstuy. Macdonough Street, the room where Anthony Jamari Thomas was raised. We spoke for hours. We celebrated life and consciousness. That conversation changed our ceremony. I hadn't moved to NYC yet but when I returned later that year officially, he threw me to the sharks and showed me how to swim. We opened doors for all our brothers and sisters. We published books. We were chased by spirits in Jukai. We stayed close through the thick. Without you my brother, my lane would never have existed.
After Philadelphia the road had become my home and plane tickets seemed a much better expense than rent. And so it goes that if you make it in New York City you can make it anywhere. When my sister called me from Los Angeles and told me she was moving to New York City, my decision to take on the city became clear. We were born on the same day 6 years apart. My real blood. I loved her always but we never truly connected as I got older, the age gap and distance was too far. Weekends don't build relationships. Alexandra became my rock and home in the Lower East Side. She created stability to my sporadic unstable life as an artist hustling to survive in the concrete jungle. She witnessed the perseverance of an American dreamer. Her light was constant, I am again forever grateful.
In early November 2017 we were huddled outside of Mr. Fong’s on Madison Street. AJT, EuroJon and Chipper (OG Delaware skateboarder). These were the party years: women, hard liquor, and marijuana. Except I had just moved to NYC and didn’t know where to get a dime. One of Chipper’s young bulls was with us that night, he was only 18. Malafa Mase aka Sweater on Polo. Mali said he had the plug. He skated away and 30 minutes later he came back with a sack of herb. He has been down with the crew since. I’ve had the pleasure of watching that teenager outswim the sharks. The youngest waxed house producer I know. Proud of you homie. Glad to have shown you a way, excited to see you continue to walk your own path young ji.

On 9 June 2018, fate led me down Bleecker Street from the west side. Her NY Yankees cap was low. It didn’t matter, I was certain. It had been years since I saw her last, we lost touch. Everything changed again in that moment. It was my former love, Angela Sarafyan. She visited the city many times after that meeting. For her work, primarily. She has been my greatest muse. We began work on a project that probably will never be finished, Music for Films. That doesn’t matter, the spirit of those images and the friendship that continues is what’s important. An old fashioned New York fairytale, in the most cinematic city in the world.
The date isn’t exact but on a sunny day in March of 2018 I was standing on Howard Street with Alessandro Simonetti when a Toshirō Mifune look a like, toting an oversized camera bag walked up to Ale. He introduced me to Koki Sato, to me, his legend was born. We clicked immediately. This was around the time we were getting ready to drop Ninety-Six Dreams Two Thousand Memories with Greg Hunt. An article was proposed for Koki to shoot, he brought his aniki, a Japanese writer with the persona of Hunter S. Thompson. Shimpei Nakagawa came to our then headquarters on Broome Street, we’ve been breaking bread ever since. My introduction to Japan through their perspective has changed my life forever. As PARADIGM begins to close its doors in 2022, it brings me great honor to publish Kokisa’s first monograph, Nostalgia and with the immense help of Nakagwasan — continue my relationship to the island in the East.

Although I met Mark Suciu in Philadelphia when he was student at Temple University, our bond solidified through the time we spent in Lower Manhattan. In my first weeks paying rent in the jungle, Mark and I began combing the streets for skate spots. Whatever led me to believe I could hang with one of the best skateboarders in the world eludes me to this day. A month later I was walking with a cane, in excruciating pain, weeks away from almost abandoning my whole plan to stay in NYC. Mark perservered to achieve the heights of his greatness. He allowed me to witness true tenacity while filming his testament, VERSO. The madness he overcame at 110th Street and Lenox Avenue was awe inspiring. Mark has been editing for PARADIGM since our Genesis days at 1919 Bainbridge. Now as we approach the release of Life Before_ in collaboration with ADIDAS, it is with great honor that I am able to call this maestro a friend and contributor to the legacy of what was born in Philadelphia and will entropy in New York City.

It is a deep belief of mine that we are able to manifest our realities. With manifestation comes choice. Thought can not exist alone without action or it is meaningless. Therefore time is not a flat circle. On the island that was stolen from the Manhattoes, dreams are sold under bright lights of illusion. Remaining true in a den of vipers takes serious resolve. Wars over style, over dirt, over paper. Hustle over everything. Life lived with respect and integrity will produce memories of light. Echoes of a way through the darkness, imperfectly. These words are my letter, in tribute to all the people and experiences that gave me life. Without New York City -- none of this exists.
Theophilos Constantinou